Pudupakkam Anjaneyar Temple
Pudhuppaakkam Sri Veera Anjaneyar Temple - Gajagiri hills
Sri Veera Anjaneyar Temple is located in the village of
Pudupakkam is 4 km from Kelambakkam, on the road towards Vandaloor, is the
beautiful small temple situated atop a hill called Gajagiri hills. A statue of
Sri Anjaneyar by the side of the road shows the way to the temple.
The temple for Sri Veera Anjaneyar is located on a very
small hill named Gajagiri hills, filled with trees and plants. The hill looks
beautiful and greenery and there are steps to climb up the hill to reach the
temple. One can get a very scenic view of the surrounding places while ascending
the hill.
The temple is on a hill with 108 steps and easy to climb.
Lord Sri Rama with Mother Sita and brother Lakshmana graces the devotees from
his shrine opposite the sanctum sanctorum. 6 feet tall Sri Veera Anjaneya
appears majestically in standing posture, just ready to fly, with his face
towards North where stood the Sanjeevi Mount, while the body faces east. His
right leg is firm on the ground while the left is ready to fly.
One of hands shows the Abhaya Mudra – assuring protection to
the devotee. The left is on the hip. There is a bell at the end of the tail
raised above the head. There is the Lotus symbol on his Naval. Lord Vinayaka
graces from his shrine at the foot of the hill. There are 108 steps to reach
the Gajagiri hill where the temple stands.
Pudupakkam - Sri Veera Anjaneyar Temple
புதுப்பாக்கம் வீà®° ஆஞ்சநேயர் திà®°ுக்கோவில்
Main Deity
Lord Hanuman
Sri Veera Anjaneyar
Goddess Name
Pudhupakkam Vandalur - Kelambakkam Road Chennai
Temple - Gajagiri hills
500 Years
Travel Base
It is believed that Sage Vyasa established 108 temples for
Hanuman. Based on this belief, the hill
temple has 108 steps. The Pudupakkam
temple is closely linked with Lord Sri Nitya Kalyana Perumal in Thiruvidanthai,
one of the 108 Divyadesas of Lord Perumal.
How To Reach : Sri Anjaneya graces from a hill
temple – Gajagiri hills. The Anjaneyar Temple is located in Pudhupakkam, Chennai
suburb. Pudhupakam is in the Kelambakkam – Vandalur Road on the Kelambakkam
side (around 4 km from Kelambakkam bus stop and 16 km far from Vandalur). Frequent MTC bus services available form Vandalur and Kelambakkam. Road is Available to reach the hill top.
Good commentary !!!